[TIPS & GUIDE] DayTask Perfect Points
Tips on daily Task On How To Get A perfect points.
Everyday when the server refresh Anime Pirates gives us a day task which we can gain items, gold and berry that we badly needed.
Where in people only reach 10 points which is the minimum because they dont know what they are doing they just click then click then click without reading or knowing how it is suppose to be done.
Here is my Guide and Tip!
Click this bar to view the full image.
Upon achieving or reaching level 40 (i think) a "Day Task" Option will appear on your account!
and i think if you reach level 50 the upgrade will be clickable then will changes to this.
Click this bar to view the full image.
On the Screen Shot Above you will saw a mini guide about what you need to do.
So to break it down to words!!!
On the SS there is a "Mission Objective" tab where it will requires you to finish a task on the "Access Task" to gain or get the additional points which you need for getting the rewards on the "Task Reward" tab.
So before you do a "Access Task" you need to know that in every "Access Task" you do got a equivalent base point which can be 4, 3, 2,or 1 which depends on the task icon color.
(4 = Yellow, 3 = Blue, 2 = Green, 1 = White)
And every time you match and finish an "Mission Objective" it will ask again another mission that will give you more points.
The Mission Objective will ask one task that will give you addition 10 points and upon finishing it it will ask again but this time 2 task is req'd to be finish which will give you 20 points, then it will ask again to finish 3 task for 30 points.
1st Mission: 1 task is req'd = 10 points
2nd Mission: 2 task is req'd = 20 points
3rd Mission: 3 task is req'q = 30 points
4th Mission: 3 task is req'd = 30 points
(noteyou need to match the "Mission Objective" and "Access Task")
So summing up all the mission points will give you a 90 points. Where it requires 9 of your 10/10 chances of finish the objective. So thinking that there is 1 left which plays the very important role on getting higher point.
Players will say! "Yah! Right I got 90 points but how can i get a perfect 125 points(lvl 40) or 130 points if you already CLICK THE UPGRADE BUTTON."
Hmmmm: !")($&*(^%)"!($*)!"(*&!!!! "LET ME FINISH EXPLAINING"Lol
I Already explained it earlier in every "Access Task" you finish will give you Points can 4,3,2,1 (COLOR CODED)
Simple computation:
If you did all the Blue task from 10/10 til 1/10 it will give you 30 points (3 x 10 =30) + 90 mission points if you follow all the mission objective = 120 points
Another Computation for DUMMIES!!!
1st mission 10 points + 4 point (if its a yellow task; used 1 task out 10) = 14
2nd mission 20 points + 8 points (if its a yellow task; used 2 task out 10) = 28
3rd mission 30 points + 12 points ( if its a yellow task; Used 3 task out 10) = 42
4th mission 30 points + 12 points ( if its a yellow task; Used 3 task out 10) = 42
*Summing up [B[ 14 + 28 + 42 + 42 = 126 Points [/B]"
note: you only used 9 out of 10 chances of on getting a 126 points you still got 1 left which play a vital role for you not spending much gold. How to use it. if you see a 4 points worth of task in the beginning ignore the task req'd if it gives you low points. You can also used it as a reset if the Access task doesnt give you anything that will match the Mission Objective but you need to do a 4 points(if you want a perfect points) or 3 points (if you dont mind getting the 2nd to the last reward)
*So Summing it up again is 126 + 4 points = 130
note: Do your math thing! Compute the points that will give you a right amount to get the equipment only disregard the berry as the top reward or if you think you dont have the a luck that they just aim for the gold with less reset just to compensate the gold you spend
Players will say that i dont have a gold to refresh it... bloody excuses the first refresh is free... then where will you get the gold for spending? DAILY rewards!!!
Then on the day task you will get a total of 25 or more gold!!! Also on sailing you can gain small amount of gold there.
(Note: You dont need to get a perfect points just to gain that small amount of berry. What you need is the item in the day task
So use your brain on computing points or the Zombie will eat your brains
(If there is something wrong in this guide just pm or leave a comment and ill change it)